Monday, October 7, 2013


Good morning! This post is going to be a short one, as I have freshmen starting to wander in and need to make sure everything is ready to go. Despite the exemption the state of Kansas has received, we still try not to leave any of them behind.

Each Friday, my classroom hosts "Friday Filmday". We watch a short video, usually from the internet, that has something to do with life, school, whatever seems relevant at the time. Last week, I showed the Kid President's latest offering. In response, my students have accepted the Socktober challenge. I have cleaned out the right side of my classroom closet (which is truly amazing in itself), and the kids have been challenged to fill it with socks, blankets, toiletries, anything that a local shelter or organization might be able to use to aid the homeless in our area.  It warmed my heart during the day, when I explained the challenge to my first senior class, when one of my girls said, "You will need to clean out more of the closet Mr. Kohls. That is not enough space." I told them that if we fill the right side, I will continue to clean off the shelves on the left and keep filling them. Now, we just have to live up to her words and fill the closet. It's a good cause, and our kids have proven before that they can do great things for other people. At the end of the month, we will choose an area organization or group of organizations to whom I will deliver the goods.

Kind of cool, eh? If you want to take part but do not know how, drop a pair of new socks, a blanket, canned good, or anything else to could help as the weather turns colder by my classroom, Room 202, and we will add it to the closet. I hope I have to clean out much more space. That would be amazing.

Until later, have a great week! 

1 comment:

  1. Really and truly, seeing the response from the kids has been amazing.
