Sunday, September 7, 2014

Go Away, or I Shall Blog You a Second Time..."

Just a few random ramblings on a Sunday night, as I try to wind down from preparation for Mulvane, our week 2 opponent. I find that a difficult task, especially on Sundays such as this. I even typed up my lesson plans in Buhlerdocs, using full sentences and everything, as opposed to the usual cryptic code that outlines my purposes and approaches for the week.

Here it goes...

Losing is not a pleasurable experience.

Sometimes, my children frighten me. Not in freaky Children of the Corn way, but in a good way. This evening, when I returned home from meetings, my wife told me that while our son was "helping" her make cookies (which consisted of agreeing to help her, and then telling her he would just to everything himself), Dylan used the word counterintuitive. In conversation, In a sentence, Without hesitation. Correctly. 
Sometimes, I frighten myself, and not for the good reasons like my elevated vocabulary or startling self-awareness. No, sometimes the verbal excrement that spills from my mouth is ridiculous. It seems that at certain times, for no apparent reason, I channel the voice of a 12-year old boy from the 1980s. I realized that when my response to Dylan's question "What's up with the brownies?" was an immediate "What's up with your face?" Seriously? Was "Your mom's a brownie" too mature for the situation? I will admit, with undeniable shame, that those moments happen far to often for an individual of my age, education, and supposed intelligence. 
If you place a group of three or four educated men in a room with three or four educated women and turn on Monty Python's Quest for the Holy Grail, most of the men will soon begin spouting lines from the film, often at times minutes or even hours away in the actual showing of the film, and most of the women will chuckle and spend the majority of the movie glancing at the men with a look somewhere between mild befuddlement and complete distain. Or they will enjoy themselves by laughing at how a group of grown men can find political satire and clomping coconuts equally humorous. "Must be the King..."
I know this is short, but I must end now. You're welcome.

I will be posting as regularly as possible in the near future, as I have told my honors sophomores that I too will be held to the every Wednesday due date for our weekly blogs. I have a feeling they will call me out if I fail to meet my commitment. It would be horrible to fail my own class. 

And that's all I have to say about that.

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