Wednesday, June 19, 2013

"The Breakfast Club"

I just finished watching The Breakfast Club with my kids. We had been in Hastings last week when I saw a DVD of the film on sale and commented how much of a classic it is. Emily talked me into buying it for her (she has a bit of an in with her dad, but she has yet to abuse it, thank God). I found out later that she told he rmom she wanted to watch it with me, and Heidi told her I would just recite lines all the way through. Apparently, my wife finds that somewhat annoying. Emily said she kinf of enjoys when I do that. For the record, I do not recite every linne; I recite the best lines.

So, we had our lazy summer evening showing of the film. It really is a classic teen film, and I still enjoyed it. Maybe it is because I have memories attached to, such as Lance Stefek performing his serious solo cutting from the film in forensics. Maybe it is because the film is still relevant today, with its cliques and kids hiding behind perceptions they hate but use as shields to protect themselves. It is a good movie. 

I got to thinking about the time someone, probably one of my students, asked me what my favorite movie was. If I remember correctly, I believe I said that it depended what mood I was in at the time. I was not trying to be difficult or dismissive; that is actually true. Sometimes I am looking for something in depth and thought-provoking, such as Inception.  I might be in the mood for the twisting and turning, and oddly Shakespearean, such as The Departed.. At other times, I am content to watch Ethan Hawk contort his continence in contemplation in Daybreakers or Training Day. Dead Poets Society or Coach Carter have provided hours of enjoyment. Monty Python and the Holy Grail has made me laugh over and over again. Nothing is better on a Sunday afternoon than John Wayne in the The Cowboys or The Green Beret. Platoon and Apocalypse Now are great films as well. I love The Godfather, Goodfellas, and Gangs of New York. Each of these films could be my favorite, depending on the day. I have not even touched on some of the comedies, sports movies, and sci-fi classics that capture my attention for two hours at a time. It seems I like a lot of movies. 

I really do not know what my point is in this entry. Some movies just grab ahold of me. The reasons are as varied as the movies themselves. I do not know why that is. Perhaps it is because, deep within me, I really am a brain, a jock, a basketcase, a princess, and a criminal. Aren't we all?

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